A Dhamma discussion based on the question (punctuation and line breaks added)…
Bhagyawathun Wahansa said, “Let go of the past—because it has already happened. Let go of the future—since it has not yet arrived and is full of uncertainty.”
So, this means we only have the present moment to come to and practice Dhamma (Sutha, Dhatha, Wachasa Parichitha).
And also, Bhagyawathun Wahanse said, “Sankiththena Pancha Upadanskandha Dukka.”
So, this means I only have this exact present moment to have awabodhaya about Pancha Upadanskandha.
So Bhanthe, I would like to know how one should look at Pancha Upadanskandha in the present moment.
Much anumodana for the Dhamma, Bhanthe.