A Dhamma discussion based on the question… “I wanted to share something interesting that happened and ask for clarifications. “Recently I’ve been having lots of dreams where in the dream I am doing chanting, meditating and in one dream I was paying respects to (a Venerable)… In another dream, I dreamt about another Buddhist monk…
Author: dhammavinayapatipada_w0d36y
6: Intense, Focused Effort Leads to Peace and Ease
This ovāda discusses the seeming paradox of how the intense application of effort in practice can lead to almost immediate peace and ease.
4: Extreme Left-Wing Buddhism?
Dhamma discussion based on the question… “I’ve recently come across a post by (a Venerable)… that has raised some concerns for me. In the post, he describes a growing “ultra-right extremist Buddhism” and characterizes a broad range of views—including “incel culture, anti-feminism, vaccine skepticism, fans of Jordan Peterson, opposition to bhikkhuni ordination, transphobia, homophobia, and…
3: Delight in Non-Expansion | Ovāda
This ovāda discusses the importance of staying in the present moment to give strength to one’s practice.
2: Overcoming Arrogance and Conceit
A Dhamma discussion based on the questions… 1. How do you get rid of arrogance? 2. How can you practice to be more humble? 3. How can you avoid feeling condescending toward people who are less spiritual?
1: Concentration and Understanding
This talk discusses the ways in which concentration and insight practices complement one another and when to switch between them
48: Beyond Arising and Passing Away
A Dhamma discussion based on the question (paraphrased)… “I’ve had an experience where I just see things arising and passing away, but I don’t know how to cross beyond that. Do you have any advice?”
47: Goodness is More Powerful Than Evil
This ovāda discusses the importance of staying with goodness during difficult times
46: Themes of the Mind | Discussion
A Dhamma discussion based on the questions… What is the citta nimitta? What are nimittas in general?
45: Solutions Through Spontaneity
This ovāda discusses the importance of spontaneity in developing the Buddhist path