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The Happiness of RespectAn essay describing the happiness one can gain from an attitude of respect. This essay intersperses sutta passages, with commentary and Bhante Joe's personal experience. It contrasts the happiness of respect with the happiness that comes from competition. It describes how the happiness of respect can make one's world a brighter place.Size: 5.53 MbWritingDOWNLOAD
To the End of Body and MindCompiled by Bhante Joe Atulo | Updated January 13th, 2021

In January 2020, Nyāṇadīpa Bhante came to stay at Bhaddeka Vihari Aranya. He was feeling in good health and was very open to discussing the Dhamma. Resident and visiting monks were able to gain inspiration from his teachings.

Bhante left for a short time but returned about a month later. He had recently seen a specialist and returned with the unfortunate news that he had less than a year to live. He secluded himself in his kuṭi to try to finish the work remaining for him. However, despite his unfortunate situation, he kindly agreed to conduct Dhamma discussions every Thursday.

Bhante generously shared his knowledge of the Dhamma with the monks and laypeople seated at his feet. For some of those who attended, it felt as if they were back in the time of the Buddha, learning the Dhamma from a great teacher in the seclusion of the forest. Even as his health declined, Bhante continued to teach. His Dhamma discussions spanned about six months in total.

This book is a compilation of the teachings Bhante gave. Since he spoke at length about his life, it also contains a biography. It is hoped that the teachings Bhante gave might bring spiritual benefits to the reader. It is also hoped that this book might convey some of the inspiration that one felt in the presence of one of Sri Lanka's great monks of the modern age.

*Note: This download is a .zip archive containing one .pdf file and one .epub file of 'To the End of Body and Mind'. To view these files, they will need to be extracted using the appropriate program. Click here for instructions on how to extract .zip files.
Size: 18.4 MbWritingDOWNLOAD
To the End of Body and Mind Audio FilesTo The End of Body and Mind -- Audio Files --

Recorded by Bhante Joe From January to June 2020

These are the original audio notes on which the book, "To the End of Body and Mind: The Story of Nyāṇadīpa Bhante's Life and His Teachings at Bhaddeka Vihari Aranya" are based. Nyāṇadīpa Bhante held Dhamma discussions at Bhaddeka Vihari four roughly six months. Bhante Joe recorded audio notes of Nyāṇadīpa Bhante's teachings after each Dhamma discussion. For the most part, audio notes were recorded on the same day as the Dhamma discussion.

Nyāṇadīpa Bhante would not allow recordings of his Dhamma discussions. However, it is hoped that these notes might convey some of the inspiration that one felt learning the Dhamma at his feet.
Size: 140 mbDownloadDOWNLOAD