11: Practicing With Doubt

A Dhamma discussion based on the question… “I have a question about doubt in the practice. When I first started practicing I was quite enamored with (a certain monk’s) work. I still am to a degree but after learning about the conflict of views between him and (another monk) in regards to … “not self…

9: Strategies for Anger

A Dhamma discussion based on the question… “I am struggling to control my anger in certain circumstances. I am able to control most of the time, however when certain situations arise in the family sometimes it becomes hard and I lose my temper. Despite my efforts in meditation, I feel like I have made little…

7: A Road Beyond Separation

This ovāda discusses the five topics for frequent recollection. In particular, it focuses on the reflection: “All that is mine, beloved, and pleasing will become otherwise; it will become separated from me.” It explores how contemplating separation can serve as a path that leads beyond separation.

6: Is There a Significance to Dreams?

A Dhamma discussion based on the question… “I wanted to share something interesting that happened and ask for clarifications. “Recently I’ve been having lots of dreams where in the dream I am doing chanting, meditating and in one dream I was paying respects to (a Venerable)… In another dream, I dreamt about another Buddhist monk…

4: Extreme Left-Wing Buddhism?

Dhamma discussion based on the question… “I’ve recently come across a post by (a Venerable)… that has raised some concerns for me. In the post, he describes a growing “ultra-right extremist Buddhism” and characterizes a broad range of views—including “incel culture, anti-feminism, vaccine skepticism, fans of Jordan Peterson, opposition to bhikkhuni ordination, transphobia, homophobia, and…

2: Overcoming Arrogance and Conceit

A Dhamma discussion based on the questions… 1. How do you get rid of arrogance? 2. How can you practice to be more humble? 3. How can you avoid feeling condescending toward people who are less spiritual?