34: Practicing to Abandon the Khandas in the Present

A Dhamma discussion based on the question (punctuation and line breaks added)… Bhagyawathun Wahansa said, “Let go of the past—because it has already happened. Let go of the future—since it has not yet arrived and is full of uncertainty.” So, this means we only have the present moment to come to and practice Dhamma (Sutha,…

33: True and Right | Ovāda

This ovāda explores the practice of finding balance and skillfulness in various situations. It discusses how to navigate the intersection of what’s right—the rules and guidelines that apply in a given context—with what’s true — the broader principles of the Dhamma.

32: Does Suffering Come From Resistance? | Discussion

A Dhamma discussion based on the question (paraphrased)… ‘Suffering is an underlying attitude of resistance to the way things are / wanting things to be different which again leads to disappointment, frustration, more bad feeling?

32: Stilling the Background | Ovāda

Our life is made up of many moments that lend significance and give us a sense of time. These milestones can include things like the first day of school, winning an award, getting a first job, receiving a promotion, getting married, and so on. These events and their significance form what we might call the…

31: Gradual Renunciation for Laypeople

A Dhamma discussion based on the question (paraphrased)… ‘How can I see clearly which lifestyle or hobbies or engagement as a lay person is not harming to others or oneself on a very subtle level?’

30: Meditation Surgery

This ovāda compares ‘bhava’ or ‘becoming’ to a cyst. It’s something that starts small but grows and spreads. This is one of the meanings of the word ‘papancha’—expansion or proliferation. In our meditation practice, we sometimes need to act like surgeons, removing the cyst of becoming. We take out what is harmful and leave behind…

27: Painful Practice | Ovāda

In some cases, one needs to practice with difficulty in order to progress. In fact, these situations can be among the most important for advancement in the path. However, it’s important to know the difference between practice that is painful and advancing, and practice that is painful and heading towards an injury. In this discussion,…

26: A Path of Renunciation

The Buddha taught a path of renunciation. To create space in the mind, one must give things up. To achieve the highest goals of one’s practice, one must be prepared to relinquish everything.