39: A Moment to Be Remembered

This ovāda uses refers to suttas and to living traditons to discuss how the fruit of stream entry is a sudden occurrence that leaves a lasting impression on the mind. It contrasts this with a trend in modern Western Buddhism in which the fruit of stream entry is presented as something gradual and almost indiscernible….

38: Conscious of Consciousness

A Dhamma discussion based on the topic (paraphrased): “I was discussing with my mother about the impermanence of the five khandhas. She could see how each of them were impermanent, except for consciousness. What proof is there, for example, that there isn’t some little man hiding behind, in the mind, and observing everything? How can…

37: Don’t Eat Inspiration

This ovāda discusses the purpose one should have in meeting inspiring monks. It discusses how one should seek to meet inspiring figures to take on their good qualities. One shouldn’t seek to meet them just to feel inspired.

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Monastery Information Submission Page Listings for monasteries and centers can be updated with information provided by the monastic Sangha and lay practitioners. To submit information: About a new listing for a monastery or center. To correct an error in a listing about a monastery or center. Please follow the instructions below. New Monastery or Center…

36: Taking Birth to Practice | Discussion

A Dhamma discussion based on the question… “Could you please say something about the preciousness of human rebirth. According to the scriptures it is very rare to be born in the human realm and we are very fortunate to be so. What are the causes of such a rebirth and what should we do to…

34: Practicing to Abandon the Khandas in the Present

A Dhamma discussion based on the question (punctuation and line breaks added)… Bhagyawathun Wahansa said, “Let go of the past—because it has already happened. Let go of the future—since it has not yet arrived and is full of uncertainty.” So, this means we only have the present moment to come to and practice Dhamma (Sutha,…

33: True and Right | Ovāda

This ovāda explores the practice of finding balance and skillfulness in various situations. It discusses how to navigate the intersection of what’s right—the rules and guidelines that apply in a given context—with what’s true — the broader principles of the Dhamma.

32: Does Suffering Come From Resistance? | Discussion

A Dhamma discussion based on the question (paraphrased)… ‘Suffering is an underlying attitude of resistance to the way things are / wanting things to be different which again leads to disappointment, frustration, more bad feeling?

32: Stilling the Background | Ovāda

Our life is made up of many moments that lend significance and give us a sense of time. These milestones can include things like the first day of school, winning an award, getting a first job, receiving a promotion, getting married, and so on. These events and their significance form what we might call the…